Alena was invited to lead a series of drop-in community art sessions to support an uneasy transition for displaced Ukrainian females and their children.

Autumn classes at Edinburgh Ukrainian Community Centre

AUGB - Ukrainian Community Club, Edinburgh

Series of 7 weekly art classes for adults & 1 interactive workshop for children.

October - November 2022

Community Art Workshop
Community Art Ukrainian Club
Community Art Sessions
Intuitive drawing session

Intuitive drawing

We used the pattern of Flower of Life as initial inspiration to infuse a sense of meditative calmness and grounding. Based on participants’ feedback at the end of the session, this helped them reflect on their feeling of uncertainty, fear of the future, and loneliness.

Recycling Art session with displaced kids

We used materials we were about to recycle and those that were kindly donated to us, for the kids to create an imaginary environment. Kids learned about art installation and using everyday recyclable materials for art.

Experimenting with materials
Experimental Art with material
Community Creative Art

Experimenting with materials

Inspired by Rachel MacBrinn’s approach (Course Leader of Contemporary Art Practice at Leith School of Art), we introduced our participants to the randomly allocated recycled materials. The task was to explore the qualities of received materials diving into the experimental art process. We then reflected on a series of creative experiments together as a group learning from each other’s findings.


Winter classes at Edinburgh Ukrainian Community Centre


Summer classes at Edinburgh Ukrainian Community Centre